Posts Tagged ‘Facebook trend’



Counting on tips then Facebook, Orkut, My Space, and many in this social network league have made youngsters so SOCIAL, SASSY and onto of that so OPEN to their privacy that being active on such sites sometimes I feel to be sitting in some pit of isolation and insipidness, LIKING the same status, pics among these extroverts.

What do you think, which breed of a human should be considered “retard”? THE ONE who keeps one’s personal pics PERSONAL (respecting the word) or don’t share one’s each move on “status” in every single moment or, THE ONE who unnecessarily uploads pics of one’s growing nails or pouting face as if giving an open invitation to all to smooch and makes updates like, “going to bathroom”, “eating fish, drinking milk”.

What’s happening to human psyche? I fear the day is not far that updates would be like, “Just moved my leg and about to move the other” OR, “Going to shit in any moment. Will update the colour soon” OR “Writing love letter, just wrote the first word, DEAR! Suggest me the next word.”

Talking about the tagging culture on facebook…. I don’t know about you guys, but I failed to understand this weird trend of tagging friends on one’s own pic. Do such highly intelligent brains qualm their identity and tag almost every friend just to get an assurance about themselves or do they suffer from some mental disorder? Today this “show off” fever is traversing from teenagers to frail oldies like an incurable flue, horribly affecting everyone’s mental status.

In the midst, if this mockery offends you or my demeanour sounds SCATHING – good! Who gives a damn! I’m enjoying sharing my LATEST UPDATE splashing your zany activities in your face. What’s the big deal! C’mon, slowly and steadily, I’m learning your ways, albeit in my style.